Confirmed Invited Sessions:

Organized by: F. Nicot (USMB, France), A. Wautier (INRAE, France) and F. Darve (Grenoble INP, France)
Keywords: complex systems, configurational entropy, critical state, dissipative structures, emerging properties, instability, mesoscale, microstructure, plasticity
Organized by: J. Rojek (Institute of Fundamental Technological Resear, Poland) and T. Zohdi (University of California, Berkeley, United States)
Keywords: coupled problems, DEM, Multiphysics, mutli-domain problems, particle methods
Organized by: R. Weiler (BASF SE, Germany), P. Grohn (Bayer AG, Germany), C. Goniva (DCS Computing GmbH, Austria) and C. Kloss (DCS Computing GmbH, Austria)
Keywords: application, CFD-DEM, DEM, industry
Organized by: J. Carbonell (CIMNE, Spain), E. Fernandez-Sanchez (University of Liège, Belgium), J. Rodriguez (University of Medellin, Colombia) and J. Ponthot (University of Liège, Belgium)
Keywords: coupled problems, DEM, manufacturing, material processing, particle methods, PFEM
Organized by: S. Radl (Graz University of Technology, Austria), C. Kloss (DCS Computing GmbH, Austria) and C. Goniva (DCS Computing GmbH, Austria)
Keywords: CFD-DEM, DEM, industry, machine learning, spatial filtering
Organized by: F. Kun (University of Debrecen, Hungary) and F. Wittel (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Keywords: DEM, emerging properties, Multiphysics, particle methods
Organized by: C. Lee (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom), A. Gil (Swansea University, United Kingdom), J. Bonet (CIMNE, Spain) and E. Febrianto (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Keywords: Fast Dynamics, Solid Mechanics
Organized by: A. Yerro (Viginia Tech, United States), F. Ceccato (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy), G. Di Carluccio (Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l, Spain) and M. Martinelli (Deltares, Netherlands)
Keywords: geomechanics, geotechnical hazards, installation problems, material point method, soil-water-structure interaction
Organized by: A. Khayyer (Kyoto University, Japan), A. Zhang (Harbin Engineering University, China), M. Liu (Peking University, China) and P. Wang (Harbin Engineering University, China)
Keywords: Fluid-Structure Interactions, Hydroelasticity, MPS, SPH
Organized by: G. Cusatis (Northwestern University, United States), M. Alnaggar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States), J. Elias (Brno University of Technology, Czechia), G. Di Luzio (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), E. Masoero (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and G. Pijaudier- Cabot (University of Pau and the Adour Region, France)
Keywords: discrete models, fracture, mesoscale
Organized by: D. Vescovi (Polimi Milano, Italy) and S. Luding (UTwente, Netherlands)
Keywords: fluid-like granular states, particle rheology, particle systems, solid-like granular states, state transitions
Organized by: J. Gimenez (CIMNE, Spain) and A. Franci (CIMNE, Spain)
Keywords: coupled problems, fluid dynamics, FSI, large deformation, multiphase, PFEM, PFEM-2, PFVM, SPFEM
Organized by: J. Zhao (HKUST, China, Hong Kong), H. Bui (Monash University, Australia), N. Guo (Zhejiang University, China) and X. Zhang (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Keywords: Computational granular mechanics, fluid-particle interaction, geomechanics, granular flow, multiscale modeling of granular media, phase transition and particle transport
Organized by: Z. Chen (University of Missouri, United States), X. Zhang (singhua University ) and Y. Liang (Xi’an Jiaotong University )
Organized by: J. Garcia-Aznar (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain), J. Muñoz (UPC, Spain) and P. VanLiedekerke ( Ghent University, Belgium)
Organized by: E. Campello (University of São Paulo, Brazil), L. Cheng (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and A. Gay Neto (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Keywords: DEM, fluid-structure interaction, MPM, MPS, multiphysical problems, PFEM, solid-fluid interaction, solids, SPH, structures
Organized by: G. Casas (CIMNE, Spain) and I. De-Pouplana (UPC, Spain)
Keywords: cemented granular material, Solid Mechanics, strength of materials
Organized by: A. Larese (Università di Padova & TUM-IAS, Italy), M. Asai (Kyushu University, Japan), M. Cremonesi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), A. Franci (CIMNE-UPC, Spain) and J. Gaume (ETH, Switzerland)
Keywords: coupled problems, natural hazard
Organized by: M. Asai (Kyushu University, Japan), S. Koshizuka (The University of Tokyo, Japan), A. Shakibaeinia (Polytechnique Montreal, Canada) and S. Hagihara (Saga University, Japan)
Keywords: complex systems, continuum mechanics, coupled problems
Organized by: J. Ulloa (Caltech, United States), K. Karapiperis (EPFL, Switzerland), L. Li (JHU, United States) and J. Andrade (Caltech, United States)
Keywords: complex systems, machine learning
Organized by: S. Roy (Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen, Germany), H. Xiao (University of Michigan, United States) and D. Nasato (Technical University of Munich TUM, Germany)
Keywords: Additive manufacturing, particle methods, particle rheology
Organized by: A. Cornejo (upc, Spain), F. Zarate (CIMNE, Spain) and E. OÑATE (CIMNE, Spain)
Keywords: Discrete Element Method, Finite Element Method, Particle Finite Element Method, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Solid Mechanics
Organized by: S. Larsson (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden), L. Tavares (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and A. Svanberg (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)
Keywords: application, CFD-DEM, fluid-particle interaction, fluid-structure interaction, granular flow, industry, material processing, Multiphysics, particle methods, particle systems
Organized by: H. Cheng (University of Twente, Netherlands), S. Papanicolopulos (The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom), J. Brandstetter (Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria) and K. Kumar (The University of Texas at Austin, United States)
Keywords: Computational granular mechanics, Data assimilation, Discrete Element Method, Finite Element Method, machine learning, material point method, Uncertainty quantification
Organized by: M. Hillman (Karagozian and Case, Inc., United States), J. Chen (University of California, San Diego, United States) and P. Seleson (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States)
Keywords: application, coupled problems, fracture, geotechnical hazards, large deformation, multiphysical problems, Multiphysics, particle methods, Solid Mechanics
Organized by: S. Succi (Italy), M. Durve (Italy) and J. TUCNY
Organized by: E. Lequiniou (Altair, France) and P. DADVAND (Altair, Spain)
Keywords: Discrete Element Method, Finite Element Method, Fluid-Structure Interactions, Multiphysics, particle methods, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Organized by: S. Manenti (Italy)
Organized by: D. Berzi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and . Cross (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)