IS27 - Innovations in Particle Methods: Exploring the Software Lanscape

Organized by: E. Lequiniou (Altair, France) and P. DADVAND (Altair, Spain)
Keywords: Discrete Element Method, Finite Element Method, Fluid-Structure Interactions, Multiphysics, particle methods, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

In this session, we will explore the diverse landscape of particles software, with a deep focus on Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), showcasing a range of approaches from commercial solutions to open-source research codes. Our aim is to highlight the synergy between cutting-edge research and industry challenges, and how collaborations foster innovation in this dynamic field.

We will first investigate open-source research codes with at least 2 examples, such as DualSPHysics and Kratos. Then look at commercial software with Altair nanoFLuidX and Edem. The last example will illustrate a novel approach combining commercial and open-source with Radioss & OpenRadioss. We plan also to highlight the importance of postprocessing with Paraview.

The objectives are to demonstrate the broad applicability of particles & SPH methods across different software solutions, highlighting their strengths in various domains. We will emphasize the importance of integrating state-of-the-art research with industry requirements. We will discuss the computational costs and optimization strategies, particularly the use of multi-core and GPU architectures to enhance scalability.

Leveraging our network, we will invite key developers and scientists from leading software projects to share their insights. This session aims to bridge the gap between research innovations and industrial applications, ensuring that cutting-edge developments meet real-world challenges effectively.